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Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Khaled Khalil | kmk3dc | 2017

Favorite Part of Engineering:

Through my experience at UVA, engineering has really clicked for me in these two contexts:

1. Development of relationships and connections between concepts across different classes both within the Engineering school and outside of it.  

2. Application of concepts in a long term project both in-class or as a personal undertaking. 


Other Involvements at UVa:

Club Water polo, Madison House Programs, Alternative Spring Break & Intramural Refereeing


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

1. Sports! I swim, play water polo and occasionally partake in pickup soccer games. I also watch a good amount of Premier League and La Liga soccer. 

2. I like to read but time is hard to come by during the fall/spring semesters. 

3. I really enjoy watching movies and TV shows but once again, not much time during the fall/spring semesters.

4. Volunteering was never my thing but I've really come to enjoy it during the past two years at UVA.


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Sherlock Holmes. I don't really have a reason but for as long as I can remember, Sherlock Holmes has been my answer to that question. I am pretty confident the first book I ever read for pleasure was a Sherlock Holmes collection. 


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

Don't worry too much. Things have a way of working out.

Seminar Leaders

Morgan George | meg3ve | 2017

Favorite Part of Engineering:

Solving problems in ways that no one else has thought of


Other Involvements at UVa:

Engineers without Borders, Pancakes for Parkinson's, Habitat for Humanity, Delta Gamma


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Watching sports and hanging out with friends


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Hermione Granger


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

The walk to Christian's Pizza is worth it.

Thomas Harrison | tmh7sa | 2017

Favorite Part of Engineering:

Website & Database Development 


Other Involvements at UVa:

Communications Chair of INCOSE, Accelerated Chess Education for all Students (ACES)


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Chess, Golf, Volleyball


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Buzz Lightyear, because no matter what he does, he's always motivated to go "to infinity and beyond."


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

My advice would be to go explore more clubs and other groups. Even the ones that you think you would not join may be a better fit than expected.


Gaston Quantz |ngq4ty | 2017

Favorite Part of Engineering:

Late night problem sets with the crew are way better than 100-page readings


Other Involvements at UVa:

Phi Delta Theta, IFC, Reformed University Fellowship, Virginia No Tones


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Running, Guitar, IMs


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Aragorn from Lord of the Rings - master swordsman, King of Gondor, saves the Fellowship multiple times 


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

Get out and explore Charlottesville! 


Jordan Rogus |jjr2ra | 2017

Favorite Part of Engineering:

I enjoy being challenged to my limit every day and knowing that when I graduate I will be prepared for anything down the road.


Other Involvements at UVa:

ASB (Alternative Spring Break), Club Swimming & FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Swimming, Watching all things sports & Hanging out with friends and exploring the greater Charlottesville Area


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Aragorn from Lord of the Rings because exploring middle-earth and then becoming king would be unbelievable. 


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

Look for the clubs that are not as advertised or well-known on grounds and try to go to a few of their meetings.  UVA has some unbelievable organizations that I never knew existed.

Generously Sponsored by The Jefferson Trust and the UVA Parents Fund

    Although this organization has members who are University of Virginia students and may have University employees associated or engaged in its activities and affairs, the organization is not a part of or an agency of the University. It is a separate and independent organization which is responsible for and manages its own activities and affairs. The University does not direct, supervise, or control the organization and is not responsible for the organization’s contracts, acts or omissions.

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