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Executive Board

Jean Salac | jms2wz | Computer Engineering | 2018

Favorite Part of Engineering:

I love the camaraderie that the Engineering School fosters among its students as we work and study together.


Other Involvements at UVa:

First Year Players (FYP), Organization of Young Filipino Americans (OYFA), Spectra Engineering Research Journal, Undergraduate Research


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

When I'm not enjoying my love/hate relationship with the E-School, I love to read, write, craft, cook, bake, hike and work out. If you see me in the gym or running around Grounds, don't be afraid to say hi! 


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

I would be Tony Stark because a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist is all I aspire to be in life. ;)


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Most people are very friendly and happy to help you. Also, form study groups early. Not only does studying become easier and faster, it also becomes more enjoyable.


Aras Scimemi | sas3es | Computer Science | 2018

Favorite Part of Engineering:

The feeling of accomplishment that comes after completing the engineering process successfully. There are so many steps that go into problem solving, and it is highly rewarding seeing the final product.


Other Involvements at UVa:

Washington Literary Society and the Debating Union, Brown College Governance Board, Invent, Hackcville, Swing Club.


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Exploring. There are so many things to see and do, and there is nothing I enjoy more than going to do them with my closest friends. 


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

Hands down Sherlock Holmes. Exactly the sarcasm, wit, and intelligence that I enjoy expressing.


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

At the risk of souding cliché, I'll borrow this quote: "You get out of life what you put into it." The same goes for college. You will get the grades and the clubs and the friends that you put the effort into getting. No one can stop you but yourself.


Jonathan Martin | jbm7gj | Electrical Engineering | 2018

Favorite Part of Engineering:

The interdisciplinary nature. I love how engineers are able to work with engineers from other disciplines, or even students from other academic schools.


Other Involvements at UVa:

Shakespeare on the Lawn (SotL), the Washington Literary and Debating Society


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Hiking and camping, running and playing sports, reading anything I can get my hands on, and hanging around Brown College.


If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?

 That's an easy one...Indiana Jones, the ultimate brainy adventurer.


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

Be a "yes man" (or woman). In other words, take on any opportunity that comes your way. Audition for that play, or take that Buddhism class you were interested in.


Catherine Pollack | ccp3qz | Biomedical Engineering | 2018

Favorite Part of Engineering:

The amount of group projects! Engineering is a great opportunity to take people from different backgrounds and experiences and combine their varied expertise into creating a novel and unique concept.


Other Involvements at UVa:

Rodman Scholars Program, Undergraduate Research, Society of Women Engineers, Dean's Ambassadors Program, Virginia Ambassadors Program, Cavalier Marching Band & Wind Ensemble 


Things You like to do when You're not being an Engineer:

Outside the classroom/extracurricular scene, you can usually find me on the racquetball court, watching some sort of cooking show, or practicing one of four different instruments (including clarinet and trombone)!


What advice would you give to your first-year self?

Study!! College is a lot different than high school; classes you may have only had to spend an hour or two on in high school will require much more time in college. 

Generously Sponsored by The Jefferson Trust and the UVA Parents Fund

    Although this organization has members who are University of Virginia students and may have University employees associated or engaged in its activities and affairs, the organization is not a part of or an agency of the University. It is a separate and independent organization which is responsible for and manages its own activities and affairs. The University does not direct, supervise, or control the organization and is not responsible for the organization’s contracts, acts or omissions.

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